Sung from the Soul

Monday, October 13, 2008

Another's Song

The nights sometimes like to play,
Keeping little Warriors at bay,
Giving a breezes teases in my ear,
Enough to cause a commander tear,

But I will sing my song to the night,
Showing I'm stronger then its plight.

Why does it like to tickle my ear?
Does it not know I have no fear?
I hear its drum along my canvas,
Its call to bring me havoc...

But I will sing my song to the night,
Showing I'm stronger then its plight.

So keep your stories out of my head,
Can' you see me sleeping in bed?
I want to dream of crimson scars,
Endless plains and wild larl's roar..

But I will sing my song to the night,
Showing I'm stronger then its plight.
posted by Ba'atar, Singer of the Tuchuks at 11:26 AM 0 comments

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tell me

You tell me to listen,
How can I when I don't understand what I hear?
I listen to the words so endlessly whispered in my ear.
The voices so delicate I fear them to fade away,
Tell, me sweet Sky,
Tell me the words that you say.

I hear only the melody played as smoothly as a flute,
One whose fingers puppets is tune,
Do you not hear what I do in my dreams?
Each one telling me things with no meaning,
I can be told what it could be,
But again I am told to listen.

Who am I to be come'a morrow's first light?
The man with spirit that will never take flight,
Yet a Warrior who keeps secret dreams,
That haunt him with questions of what could it be,
Can't anyone just tell me the words that I can't understand?
Give me back my sanity that each voice cause to lack,
I am lost words that continue to praise,
Nurture me with mysteries that spite.

So tell me again my sweet loving Sky,
Woman who I will never deny,
Tell me what all this means,
For its you to whom I shall always praise.
posted by Ba'atar, Singer of the Tuchuks at 6:30 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Her song, my star

I stand before you, a man who dreams,
dreams of shimmered golden waves,
of smiles that takes my breath away,
tender kisses that brand the mind,
this woman dreamth of that divine.

Her laughter sweeter then the morning stream,
fingers that could make gashes never bleed,
steps that danced of elegance towards me,
that luminous light I always see.

She is always there, this star of mine,
Even if its not me, who makes her shine,
I can always look up and see,
the one that has eternally haunted me,
with so much passion that couldn't be.

Morning light gives warms of your breath,
The breeze gives your warm caress,
I close my eyes and I smell your sweetness,
at my lips, I remember your kiss.

So tell me now one more time,
of love so pure its glows,
makes me wish it could be mine,
And I will dream forever of you,
this beauty, my eternal star.
posted by Ba'atar, Singer of the Tuchuks at 9:51 PM 0 comments

Monday, March 17, 2008

My Song

The sound of boots against crisp frosted ground,
Echo of chorus of marched duty bound,
Nothing more then steamed breaths await,
Watching through the hinted lights break,
Prowling hunters battle the hunted take.

Pride in honor fills the air....

In the lifted morning mist that shadows light,
Thoughts of warm woman's touch lasting plight,
The dark eyes of my son awaiting joys of song,
My own Fathers spear now hung,
I will bring all that nourishes home,

Pride in honor fills the air.....

It was flash of darkness in the light,
My path to grounds was also follow,
I welcomed this challenge with bola's straps drawn,
We both watched the same stag in distance,
Then did both dark eyes meet.

Pride in honor filled the air...

It was the snapped break of silence from a growl,
Put both beast in flight,
My bola hit the stag in throat,
My spear I held on tight with claws cutting at chest,
It was hot the blood breathed in stealing the larls last breath.

Pride in honor fills the air...

I rode back with both in bounded strap,
Hides to keep my family warm,
Set of claws for Spexes telling,
I thanked the sky for light to let me live,
Bosk safety for my future,
The tribe had a Warrior return,
And a song for a singers telling.
posted by Ba'atar, Singer of the Tuchuks at 9:55 PM 0 comments

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Lochlan's Pyre Song

We watch the lifted smoke form the trail above,
Its path laid out under drumming crackle of ash,
Silent stories told of life seen before every eye,
Shown in fiery forms that stands the Warrior and the Lance.

A mighty Warrior has taken his patrol in the sky.

Thankful for the years given to the tribe,
Family blessed in memories that will always survive,
Every thought would bring heart felt pride,
As he would be here now until the end of time.

A mighty Warrior has taken his patrol in the sky.

For now we give our heart felt praise,
He has moved on to the greatest honor of all,
Eternal place above every soul of tribe,
And I thank my Brother for touching my life....

A mighty Warrior has taken his patrol in the sky.
posted by Ba'atar, Singer of the Tuchuks at 7:20 PM 0 comments

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Fallen star returned to the Sky.

One day we look across the land we live,
Find the glow of one that endlessly gives,
A woman of pride, skill so strong and fair,
The moons dare tell why they offered her here,
Knowing one day when her gifts have been spun,
The borrowed moment will be done,

A Fallen Star returned to the Sky.

Beauty of bold endless as a golden ring,
Hands of skills there were never ending,
Dark dew locks oiled in beaded braids,
Warriors dream mate in leather parade,
A smile and wit that sung in knowledgeable display,
Dreams of her shadows dance now on the path,

A Fallen Star returned to the Sky.

This gift has touched the souls of those who gazed,
Her voice now a whisper of breezes convey,
The form of the clouds her gift to us still here,
Reminder of the beauty we will always endear,
I thank the moons for memories locked in souls,
For its star that walked our home....but now...

A Fallen Star returned to the Sky.

Yet...her spirit and memory will never die.
posted by Ba'atar, Singer of the Tuchuks at 7:25 PM 0 comments