Sung from the Soul

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tell me

You tell me to listen,
How can I when I don't understand what I hear?
I listen to the words so endlessly whispered in my ear.
The voices so delicate I fear them to fade away,
Tell, me sweet Sky,
Tell me the words that you say.

I hear only the melody played as smoothly as a flute,
One whose fingers puppets is tune,
Do you not hear what I do in my dreams?
Each one telling me things with no meaning,
I can be told what it could be,
But again I am told to listen.

Who am I to be come'a morrow's first light?
The man with spirit that will never take flight,
Yet a Warrior who keeps secret dreams,
That haunt him with questions of what could it be,
Can't anyone just tell me the words that I can't understand?
Give me back my sanity that each voice cause to lack,
I am lost words that continue to praise,
Nurture me with mysteries that spite.

So tell me again my sweet loving Sky,
Woman who I will never deny,
Tell me what all this means,
For its you to whom I shall always praise.
posted by Ba'atar, Singer of the Tuchuks at 6:30 PM


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